Plant Walks & Medicine Making


Personalized plant walks on your property

Curious to know what medicines are growing on your property? Want to know more about the lives of the plants popping up on your land? Learn to identify medicinal and edible plants, and what wisdom they have to share!

We offer customized walks shaped around your interests, plant knowledge level, and the size of your property. These walks can focus on wild parts of your property (woods, meadows), cultivated gardens, and everything in between.


Medicine Making Classes

Learn to transform the plants on your property into medicines you’ll use, to craft the products you’ve been searching for, and/or how to formulate tinctures, infused vinegars, or herbal skin care products in the comfort of your own kitchen!

Want to know how to make your own smoke blends or put together herbal smudge bouquets? Want to walk through the sacred process of creating flower essences together?

We offer customized classes based on what you want to learn, which medicines your body & soul are craving, and can assist you in honing in on exactly what that is!


Garden design

Looking to grow medicinal plants, a tea garden, a sacred herb spiral or how/where to add such plants to your existing gardens?

We offer a wide range of design and installation services, including maintenance or tutorials on how to care for your plants.